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people keep asking for crewmate mode then for some reason forgot they asked and ask again. can you pls fix this? thanks!

addition to this bug sometimes what happens is that people ask for this game to be online without knowing that it actually is plz fix this soon


yeah klopity i expect this update tomorrow at least 


Yeah its been weeks odd a bunch of people are also saying this or atleast less people are saying it but the ones who do say it more welp atleast its mentiond about half as much as cReWmAtE m0dE

when is the update coming



Can the bots take longer to fix lights and reactor? It makes the game more realistic.

Deleted 3 years ago

i mean yeah its very possible. just add a small delay to the first crewmate to touch the lights.  it would make the sabatoges more usefull, but right now we have to deal with... 




I would like the bots to take longer on their tasks, and sometimes just randomly stop walking, so they look less like bots.

Yeah It Could Be Good

ya no  lo voy a comprar lo descarare asteregg


translation: crewmate mode... no i didnt actually translate it. im just going off some context clues


i actually translated it and it says 

im not going to buy it asteregg decarare anymore

huh what a weird word


When you killed someone when lights are down, and then the lights turn back on and you're already gone, the bots still vote you out in 90% of the cases.


You can keep killing when the 'dead body reported' notification shows up.

We Know

(1 edit)

you know if your working on something an people keep asking for that thing your working on then i think there is a thing on that can make it so certain words can't be typed in the chat.

hope this helps :)


this game is good other then the part were you can bully the botz by putting kill range at max and kil coldown  at 0 thats mean to the botz but their botz who cares

my man is calling this game bad, because he has the ability to make the game easy. smh



and a voting section:) im your biggest fan


i wouldn't go as far as saying your his biggest fan. you clearly have read zero of the comments on here. I've heard crewmate mode so many times that it makes my ears ring. and every time i hear voting i get Vietnam flashbacks when i noted all the reasons why voting wouldn't work.



hey klopity you should add a crewmate mode :) it is more fun then:):)

how do you know

Deleted 3 years ago

ah yes the non existent video


Wow Klopity! I saw someone named "CtrlWtoHack". And guess what. I fell for it, and immediately hit"CtrlW". And for the record, that closes the tab. I laughed so hard! xD 



xD i tried it and it do that

xd? XD? XD????????????????????????????????? 

what year is it, 2017??? the only people who say xD now is fortnite kids.



bro u r a mean man


btw dont waste your time on looking at the comments on kevin games they all just say hi 

is this real (probably because its marketed as online on there)

basicly its all just kids

i think most of them are fake but some are real. if you do ctrl f on the page and type klopity it will take you down the comment list where someone is saying to credit klopity. so some are real at least

(1 edit)

some more bugs that i found is that reactor only needs for 1 crewmate for it to be fixed

another thing that should probably change is how long they take to do task i have noticed its random but that random number is always something between 0.5 ~ 5 seconds

this isn't a bug but only a future that hasn't been added to the game, I am almost 99% sure that klopity when he or she was developing this game, they knew that to make the development process faster, make it only take one crewmate and he or she prop wanted to do it later. and the task number thing is a good thing. i never take exactly 1.2475837463847000238742938 seconds to do wires

In MIRA HQ went im in vent in reactor, they dont fix the sabotage

because there scared so they don't fix it.

is that actually true

no lol they just go there for a little then levave then somehow it gets fixed lol

but when im in vent they dont do it

bruh you think the ai in this web game are fully sentient and have emotions and feelings


add the mini crumate plzzzzzzz


ooooo crumate yesss

klopity is working on it it takes time 

(1 edit)

hes not though. i mean he might, but from what i heard from you, hes working on CrEwMAtE mode, and sabotages and everything maybe before saying that copy and paste thing you do, maybe you should actually think about what there asking for. unless of course they ask for crewmate mode

but don't remove it! its cool!!!!

there are some bugs that are just funny to leave in. however this is a game breaking one so i wouldn't get your hopes up

I literaly went outside the map


I did tho


Can we make it to were you can choose if you are an imposter or a crewmate please, I would like that a lot.

*insides dying* 


Could you add outfits?

Klopity Low-Key said he sees all the comments, and he has seen this one, like, a billion times.


how do i kill?

You have to press the kill button.


Or press Q

E to vent

ctrl + w to move faster

alt + F4 makes interface appear that allows you to vote of a crewmate of your choice

I learned that the hard way lol.

not this one though ive only heard of outfits once... but crewmate mode can die and perish forever

yeah  add outfits




its a he

can you just shut up and let people make mistakes


but it plays victory music when i lose

YEP :>


its just so cool


dis is cool

i wait every day to get a new update :/


So do I lol. =-)

(1 edit)

hahaha its so funny to put extra pressure on a game developer who is still in school to make a update every day.

Sorry but this game is really great so I want more updates, I can not control myself when there is such a good game. =-l

a good game has a good developer so dont pressure him my dude

Ok sorry.

everytime i get a defeat pop up on my screen like after one of the crewmates get ejected it just pop up with a defeat


maybe cause the tasks got finished 


itch should make a update for small developers to pin comments. this would be amazing and klopity could then pin his own comment saying that if you have a suggestion type it here so everything else wasn't just crowded by suggestions. one bad thing about this though would be notification coming to klopity 

great idea


The report range on these bots are Ridiculous, could you make that shorter please/

cough cough later

Can we get an explanation on how the ai crewmates think? Like how they choose to vote someone out because of their proximity to the body or something?

im not a professional at all but im pretty sure it goes a little something like this:

so the air crewmates constantly view the screen and i think the dead body's are counted as a different type of object so if the bots see something on the screen of that type of object it triggers the report but recently i think klopity added a 1 second delay between reporting so you have a chance to kill that person. when its trying to decide to vote you or a random bot it goes off of seeing (this might be a little far fetched but whatever) the player in the screen that they found the body, but if your not in that screen then it goes to a random bot or sometimes ejects nobody. {again i only know the surface of game developing so do not use this as your answer} 

i think the way they report bodys is that the bodys have a radius around them if a ai walks around them for a second that ai stops walking for a second and the game automatically calls a meeting

than for the knowing who killed or guessing part its more was red around. i honestly think the way it knows if your around is that they can see further than your screen allows to and if you were around the visible light area (that light that goes around corners when you move) then its you why i think it can see more is because of how sometimes it will vote you even tho that crewmate wasnt visible on your screen 

also i have noticed that sometimes the people they vote when theres nobody the reporter  saw are either self report (happens when absolutly no crewmates were around) or if someone was around the person who reported its them that gets voted of but if you even a little bit were around then they will vote you instead of the others

also im pretty sure that the odds of there being no one who gets voted off is more of a 1/2 or 1/3 when your not around this chance only happens if you werent in the view of the reporter

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

maybe because what you said made him want to put that as a update saying that she hates when people keep saying to make a crewmate mode idk 

i guess updates could be used as announcements too 

i shall delete the post to not waste space



it still fills space up if someone commented on it and didnt delete there post only way to completly get back the wasted space is for everyone in this thread to delete there replies and i realize that by typing this i have even waste more space and that mentioning that has also wasted space on this page        my email

we don't care

why do we need your email again?

hello its me again

oh hi officer


you should let us do emergence meetings and see vittles 



vitals: ah yes i killed someone now i must make sure there actually dead, so ill go to vitals. oh good there actually dead.

meetings: i want a free kill right about now. bye bye pink!

bad lawyer bad klopity everything about game bad

oh hi chicken wing!



amazing game


f a c t s

f a c t ssss


no its singal player

y e s

Deleted 3 years ago

if you want to play this game online then follow this procedure

go on the app store or play store

then search "among us"

then youlle see a red guy on a yellow background that looks like the characters on this game it should have an install button next to it

then click it wait a few moments 

then go on your home screen and find that red guy again then click it 

and there you have this game online

btw i would love to help dev the game just to let you know

take your time but plz if you arent already plz start makeing online or somthing to play with friends



n o

dude he isnt going to make an online version if you want to play this game online then follow this procedure

go on the app store or play store

then search "among us"

then youlle see a red guy on a yellow background that looks like the characters on this game it should have an install button next to it

then click it wait a few moments 

then go on your home screen and find that red guy again then click it 

and there you have this game online


can you make like a realistic amoung us like ya know with like real voting instead of skiping it and a crewmate instead of allways being the imposter and like real people cuz i have a friend that LOVES this games but if you like switch it up a bit she'll love it even more to the point she'll play it every day and also i like that it has settings and stuff but it has fake task like you cant do anything and can you make more than one world.

im pretty sure a game like this already exists... yeah i think the name was among us.

this might sound mean but i think she likes it because she can experiment with it without worrying about other players with much more knowledge about the game, and its more special then free play mode because there is implemented ai. plus its also single player but like

 if you want to play this game online or more "realistic" (because space man ejects other space man for murder is realistic) then follow this procedure

go on the app store or play store

then search "among us"

then youlle see a red guy on a yellow background that looks like the characters on this game it should have an install button next to it

then click it wait a few moments 

then go on your home screen and find that red guy again then click it 

and there you have this game online

Can you make the game longer? I would love playing it at  a slower pace. Also the task bar can you make the crewmates go to a task then it goes up because when I did a sabotage they do it, I go  for the last kill... I lost. Please Fix it.


how do you make among us short


with less crewmates

ohhhhhhhhh ok

ok so there is a thing called amount of tasks in the bottom right and you can turn it up to make it longer

I know but I want the game to more than 5mins because the tasks dont allow me because its just a timer


this game is really fun

i totally agree


also ik u get a lot of suggestions but could u bring back settings save asap

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