so when the crewmate walked down into reactor, it saw you in security, and saw the body in reactor. there is no cams in this version so it technically counted you as ignoring the dead body
I don't think he will. this is his exact post(plz don't sue me.)
"1. It's a complicated system to implement a colored pet, none the less another animation for a pet.
2. Wdym it's in the game just click the map icon 3 times.
3. Skolus HQ is my fanmade (and favorite) map that's been in the game since the beginning.
4. Skins have to match the player animation which is complicated and not a priority.
5.Crewmate is a useless addition that would not satisfy everyone's crewmate obsession because of A.I imposters not being great at hiding bodies and killing in a good place. Tasks are also a really complicated story + assets and functionality, I would have to add a layer for each and every task.
6. Polus's main point in the original game is the doors and vitals. Which means I would have to create my own pathfinding system and crewmate death detection. This would improve the game and might come in the future."
The game is actually pretty good for people that don't wanna spend 5 bucks lol but a message to (Klopity). Klopity can you add a vote chat even if it is computer bots can they at least still chat and I would appreciate that for reading my message and thanks.
dude, take a chill pill. what if some people are in school? huh? what then? what if the school blocks the real site? so shut up. Klopity will do whatever he does.
i want crewnyaudwdadwamatede plzplz zlpzlpzlzpzl lzplzpl zzlpz.
this dev is so bad he cant even add a crewmate mode
i know where you live so add a crewmate mode because i want this among us fan game to have crewmate mode so bad ill kill the dev. oh wait who will make crewmate mode. ah shucks
its a immation of idiots who think they can scare sombody bc they can say that they will kill the dev if they dont add a update to a AMONG US FANGAME like bruh
klopity i just want 2 say thanks 4 this game unlike a lot of people i LOVE being impostor and love this game and this new update is awesome and i just gotta say a BIG BIG BIG thank u klopity :)
for some reason, I always camp in the vents of cams med bay and electrical and after I get a kill from all those places i hit lights and perfect. Use this hack to win:)
1. It's a complicated system to implement a colored pet, none the less another animation for a pet.
2. Wdym it's in the game just click the map icon 3 times.
3. Skolus HQ is my fanmade (and favorite) map that's been in the game since the beginning.
4. Skins have to match the player animation which is complicated and not a priority.
5.Crewmate is a useless addition that would not satisfy everyone's crewmate obsession because of A.I imposters not being great at hiding bodies and killing in a good place. Tasks are also a really complicated story + assets and functionality, I would have to add a layer for each and every task.
6. Polus's main point in the original game is the doors and vitals. Which means I would have to create my own pathfinding system and crewmate death detection. This would improve the game and might come in the future.
so he had a idea from among us and he thought "oh what if i made a different version of that." and so he did. he made a single player version of among us. the end.
← Return to Among Us
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Hey check this out,
1st Movie,
2nd Movie,
3rd Movie,
ye no
just watch it good trust me, there animations that are 30 to 27 min long you should watch it.
yea no kid
Give up on creumate mode idk if it will ever happen, plus it is all up to Klopity.
the game is good but not that bad
thats... what good is??? good but not bad?
Hey, Hey, calm down man, im sorry
hey yo your game bugged i'm in security and the body was in reactor you need to fix that
so when the crewmate walked down into reactor, it saw you in security, and saw the body in reactor. there is no cams in this version so it technically counted you as ignoring the dead body
I'm new so that's why im asking.
But can you create a game on here .
Oh I see you just gotta wait for an hour then lol.
cams do not work pls make them work
ummmmmmmmmm, we are not crewmate, so why does it really matter. and it might just be you, but the cams for me work(most of the time).
What for real
ye, for me.
Why are you lying? Klopity didn't add cams in the game there is no use to interact from the cameras so don't tell stories plz
??? cams dont work for you. that's not a future added to this game. and it wouldnt only work for just you
me to
I had to do what had to be done...
no politics
I'm not bringing politics, i'm making a statement that he sucks. :)
Someone loves Trump here cuz someone disliked it
well, the game does not really crash, it just does not load, it will still let me change the settings, but it won't load.
Also the crashes are just random for some reason it had never happened to me but I have played all of the maps.
cool. Which one is the best? at least which one do you think is best?
Yeah the Swirly map is good and it's called Mira HQ
when I click the map 2 times, it goes to a swirly map.
1. what is that map called?
2. when I click it freezes my whole laptop or it won't work.
is this a glitch? if this happens to you comment below.
The Game Crashed Starting A Game In The Skeld
yes that heppend to me when i first started
imagne simping
it wont let me play the new map, it just lags and i need to reload it.
BUT besides that, this is a good game if you want to practice among us killing strategies!
true, but just remember that there are REAL people on the real thing. so don't be surprised if it fails. but I agree on the game. it IS good.
i love the game please add crewmate in next update 😄
I don't think he will. this is his exact post(plz don't sue me.)
"1. It's a complicated system to implement a colored pet, none the less another animation for a pet.
2. Wdym it's in the game just click the map icon 3 times.
3. Skolus HQ is my fanmade (and favorite) map that's been in the game since the beginning.
4. Skins have to match the player animation which is complicated and not a priority.
5.Crewmate is a useless addition that would not satisfy everyone's crewmate obsession because of A.I imposters not being great at hiding bodies and killing in a good place. Tasks are also a really complicated story + assets and functionality, I would have to add a layer for each and every task.
6. Polus's main point in the original game is the doors and vitals. Which means I would have to create my own pathfinding system and crewmate death detection. This would improve the game and might come in the future."
He will never
The game is actually pretty good for people that don't wanna spend 5 bucks lol but a message to (Klopity). Klopity can you add a vote chat even if it is computer bots can they at least still chat and I would appreciate that for reading my message and thanks.
no cussing and this game don't suck just bugs here and there
this game fucking sucks
language plz
ok hope next update will make it better 😅
it will all of your updates are bangers
U f*cking suck,this game is better than u.Also IF this game sucks then play other games,the real among us.
this game is better then the real among us so back off.
It is good BUT his user name says klopitys child which he isn't,so...u back tf off among us has mostly everything.
take a chill pill :)
yea what this dude said
dude, take a chill pill. what if some people are in school? huh? what then? what if the school blocks the real site? so shut up. Klopity will do whatever he does.
Then play another game and you have ur name as klopity child and you hate the game bruh
it still got isanted reprot god
I made a game kinda like this check it out
wow thanks for the terrible thing
Wow good job. *Clap* *Clap* I've only beat it twice and who was the impostor?
where is crewmate mode.
i want crewnyaudwdadwamatede plzplz zlpzlpzlzpzl lzplzpl zzlpz.
this dev is so bad he cant even add a crewmate mode
i know where you live so add a crewmate mode because i want this among us fan game to have crewmate mode so bad ill kill the dev. oh wait who will make crewmate mode. ah shucks
give me crew
dude, no killing. and I highly doubt that you know where he lives.
its a immation of idiots who think they can scare sombody bc they can say that they will kill the dev if they dont add a update to a AMONG US FANGAME like bruh
your fired
die in a fire
in this game is bug what work. walk thourhg walls. -_- in shields on skeld go on wiring task in shields go right and you are ejected.
really i'm always an impostor
why would you want to get yourself ejected?
Can you plz add voting chats and more skins and costume also hats and plz plz plz cremated and task you can actually do also ghost.
? why would you want ghost.
with the ai right now. ghost would be watching bots vote out other bots randomly , its different with real people though.
its the same thing with voting and chat, especially chat. the ai would have preset commands and it would be a waste of a update.
crewmate mode
klopity i just want 2 say thanks 4 this game unlike a lot of people i LOVE being impostor and love this game and this new update is awesome and i just gotta say a BIG BIG BIG thank u klopity :)
like this
Add a sans skin pls
die i hate sans
lol not gonna happen
jk i do
I love being the imposter 🙂🙂🙂
yea add skins pls
for some reason, I always camp in the vents of cams med bay and electrical and after I get a kill from all those places i hit lights and perfect. Use this hack to win:)
or just get good. its really not that hard. like seriously. its not even fun that way
well i have sweaty hands and it sucks so the hack is fun
your fired again
your not my boss
7.Why do yall keep asking questions?
1. It's a complicated system to implement a colored pet, none the less another animation for a pet.
2. Wdym it's in the game just click the map icon 3 times.
3. Skolus HQ is my fanmade (and favorite) map that's been in the game since the beginning.
4. Skins have to match the player animation which is complicated and not a priority.
5.Crewmate is a useless addition that would not satisfy everyone's crewmate obsession because of A.I imposters not being great at hiding bodies and killing in a good place. Tasks are also a really complicated story + assets and functionality, I would have to add a layer for each and every task.
6. Polus's main point in the original game is the doors and vitals. Which means I would have to create my own pathfinding system and crewmate death detection. This would improve the game and might come in the future.
WE HAVE A ANSWER YES FINNALLYI WILL MAKE THIS A AMAZING COPYPASTAWhen I want to play a game on MIRA HQ ( Just it) The game just freezes and nothing happens, am I the only one experiencing this?
Nope, I also experience this. I think it's not made for our computers... :(
Dang that sucks.
my computer works on it get a better computer idiot
Umm....what the heck just happen?
so is there no crewmate option?
Yeah there isint
am I the only one who sucks at this game
Nope I suck also
lol ok
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Um did you make it or you just got the original and posted it
so you think, my mans klopity, somehow got a open source version of among us, copied it, then put it on itch for free.
he made a fan game
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ok. Was just asking because I’ve seen many among us. So how did u make it
so he had a idea from among us and he thought "oh what if i made a different version of that." and so he did. he made a single player version of among us. the end.