just bc he said 3 letters you think he is annoying ? well if you dont want people to be annoying you stop cursing and the only way for us to not be annoying is when no one talks to you and you will be lonely for the rest of your life
this is what someone said to me klop and i made him stop saying things so you can have a nice well managed chat i am trying to help you dont you get it. I think you are a cpu bc klopity might have made you so that he can have a fan. thats what someone said...ok. we cool now?
ur like a villan like chill all i did was say stop typing crewmate mod if he is making it and now you re making a big deal about it cursing my parents cursing me cursing klopity...GET YOUR BIG MOUTH OUT OF HERE
And klopity-bigest-fan if you wanna say dumb shit like that then maybe you would like to say it to my fucking face instead of being a stupid online asshole who gets on peoples nerves and if you ask me I think you are a cpu bc klopity might have made you so that he can have a fan but we all know nobody cares about your shit mother fucker
Hi i think you should add more skins to the game also make a cremate mode and make it to where we can play ONLINE. Also can you make the imposter be able to shut doors please. Those where my thoughts love the game.
You're asking for too much... He cant just go 1 2 3 BOOM update you know. Crewmate mode would be pretty hard to implement, but possible. Multiplayer would be VERY VERY hard to implement. Also if this had multiplayer it would pretty much be pirated Among Us. Door sabotages would be cool to see in an update in the near-future.
2. why are you calling me out when there are a billion people saying stop spamming crewmate and guess what who cares if im saying stop spamming crewmate they don't care...because if they had they would have stopped a long time ago so get real and get good
I am not telling them what to do i want someone else to say you are telling us what to do and then i will let you bully them but you got to go through me first
Dude I am your biggest fan and ive been playing for a realy long time and i recommend that you fire your lawyer and people just stop asking for a crew mod for the 1 millionth time HE IS MAKING IT
← Return to Among Us
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Wow there Mr.Grinch
okay I’ll talk to you
yoyoyo hey now we dont want those younger kids saying those words
also its frosted flakes
and bitch who you calling a kid fucking dumbass
no not u...why would it be u? there are some really little kids who have accounts i know a 6 year old with an account
oop 🤭
yooo why don’t you mind you fucking business it’s none of your fucking business you fucking noisy ass bitch
your just as Annoying as klopity biggest fan but worse
just bc he said 3 letters you think he is annoying ? well if you dont want people to be annoying you stop cursing and the only way for us to not be annoying is when no one talks to you and you will be lonely for the rest of your life
man shut up leah ur so annoying no wonder why your mom probably left you
was you talking to me ?
your the one that said yo can someone talk to me 🙄☠️
I was just curious don’t be so rude
yo can someone talk to me 🙄☠️
What do the sus points do? that's my question because i never knew what they did. xD
It makes it so you can't self-report too many times.
when is the game gonna get updated
oh my god oh my god yo klopity! dude where have u been there is a rumor some 0 IQ people believed and that rumor was that u were dead!
are u mad at me? or upset with me? i have been helping you.
maybe nexts time it will work why don’t you try again
i tryed to re create this game let me just say...it didnt go well
{"is-c3-clipboard-data":true,"type":"world-instances","items":[{"type":"red","properties":{"initially-visible":true,"initial-animation":"Animation 1","initial-frame":0,"enable-collisions":true,"live-preview":false},"instanceVariables":{},"behaviors":{},"world":{"x":854,"y":309,"width":250,"height":250,"originX":0.5,"originY":0.5,"color":[1,1,1,1],"angle":0,"zElevation":0}}],"object-types":[{"name":"red","plugin-id":"Sprite","isGlobal":false,"instanceVariables":[],"behaviorTypes":[],"effectTypes":[],"animations":{"items":[{"frames":[{"width":250,"height":250,"originX":0.5,"originY":0.5,"originalSource":"","exportFormat":"png","exportQuality":0.8,"imageDataIndex":0,"useCollisionPoly":true,"duration":1}],"name":"Animation 1","isLooping":true,"isPingPong":false,"repeatCount":1,"repeatTo":0,"speed":60}],"subfolders":[],"name":"Animations"}}],"imageData":[""]}
copy and paste that in your search bar
doenst work
dosent work
doesn't work
don't ask just don't a twelve year old has no expertise in coding just knowledge of it
c'mon it couldn't have been THAT hard to make
no not hard at all
but i couldn't figure out how to make him move or make him go into rooms without him becoming invisible
Guys if u want a crewmate mode go play normal among us they will give it to u
Lol so true xD
are you the real klopity
they wouldn't be here if they could
R.I.P Klopity
u see
yeah really sad that he died
I'm so confused
ok look you were not posting for a month OK.... so now...people think your dead and even with you now posting they still think your dead
this is what someone said to me klop and i made him stop saying things so you can have a nice well managed chat i am trying to help you dont you get it. I think you are a cpu bc klopity might have made you so that he can have a fan. thats what someone said...ok. we cool now?
hello im back
where is officer klopity? and wheres the lawyer
the biggest fan is here
yep ok
hey y’all
how old are all of y’all?
why creep
chill beast he jus wondering
and am I girl but thx
she/he is actually a 2 year old
I’m dead☠️
ima do a Ritual over you body lolz
oh my goa what the hell that’s kinda scary ngl
geese just asking bruh
I’m finna be 14 😽🥶
cool I guess
The new airship map for original among us coming soon so you might add a part of it
I do
who else remembers the og map!
and features
part of me misses it but i also love it
ooh I love this game but I'm sorry if this may come off rood but more sabotage's would be nice and some hats too!
and if I was really bad I would report and block you bitch
who are u talking to
bitch I’m talking to you klopity fan
oh you...
sigh life i tell ya...
Shit I am happy
good...er um i mean no one cares
so how about you think about that bitch and while your at it do it with your ugly ass mom
ur like a villan like chill all i did was say stop typing crewmate mod if he is making it and now you re making a big deal about it cursing my parents cursing me cursing klopity...GET YOUR BIG MOUTH OUT OF HERE
like we could be cool if you stop doing dumb shit
And klopity-bigest-fan if you wanna say dumb shit like that then maybe you would like to say it to my fucking face instead of being a stupid online asshole who gets on peoples nerves and if you ask me I think you are a cpu bc klopity might have made you so that he can have a fan but we all know nobody cares about your shit mother fucker
ok so now your REALLY MAD and you just try and try to make yourself feel better bc this happened
Lol thanks bro
Bitch u fucking rude
no one cares
face it stop cyber bullying and you are wrong
i care about klopitys biggest fan.
true. im always the imposter exept for now.
wat u meen?
he oviousley is still updating he is making a crewmate mode
Is klopity still updating, or is he working on a really big update?
now this game doesnt suck no cap
They said Doesn't...
Also ima be on here a lot Lol
Hi i think you should add more skins to the game also make a cremate mode and make it to where we can play ONLINE. Also can you make the imposter be able to shut doors please. Those where my thoughts love the game.
he would have to delete the skeild or skeld idk how to spell but he would have to delete it bc it would be copy right
oh true dang so he cant put the same skins in as the original game...
um...idk bc he added hats from the original game so cross your fingers!
your right
are you retarted? read the title its called SINGLE PLAYER for a reason
Im just saying so i can play with my friends
it would be cooler because i cant pay for the real game fam
You're asking for too much... He cant just go 1 2 3 BOOM update you know. Crewmate mode would be pretty hard to implement, but possible. Multiplayer would be VERY VERY hard to implement. Also if this had multiplayer it would pretty much be pirated Among Us. Door sabotages would be cool to see in an update in the near-future.
If you think it would be so easy to do this then code it yourself.
that👏 would👏 be👏 plagiarism👏
Its Actually VERY HARD
lol ok will do but thx for the response
if he added online it would plagiarism also just play the game free on mobile
i have it on moble but you know i wanna try mods and be able to do cooler thing on PC
you can get it on mobile for free...
I know i don´t have a phone although i should buy one LOLL
i know
And you only feel bad bc I’m calling you out
i have 3 things to say
1. ouch
2. why are you calling me out when there are a billion people saying stop spamming crewmate and guess what who cares if im saying stop spamming crewmate they don't care...because if they had they would have stopped a long time ago so get real and get good
3. your right your not a bot your worse
Lol thanks bro
Bitch u fucking rude
no one cares
exactly thx bro
and I’m not making any other person feel bad but you need to stop making telling people what to do
I am not telling them what to do i want someone else to say you are telling us what to do and then i will let you bully them but you got to go through me first
I’m not a bot one rude ass bitch and if you don’t stop telling people what to say I’ma say something so deal with it
luck if you don’t wanna see them asking stop looking at the chat asshole
i look at the chat for fun...unlike you trying to make people feel bad
making your self look good is all you care about
your own name is leah is cool ya bot
ur obviously 12
how did u know???????
i could tell when you said you looked in the chat for fun
And making yourself look like an asshat is your main skill.
and you shut up for the last time don’t have to be a pain in the Ass
dang fam
ik ive been dealing with it all day
Dude I am your biggest fan and ive been playing for a realy long time and i recommend that you fire your lawyer and people just stop asking for a crew mod for the 1 millionth time HE IS MAKING IT
btw dis game is amazing and i might have to teach arkive k a lesson
hes right dudes